A Market Snapshot shows you market trends in the Clear Lake Area of your choice. It charts live market activity including data such as sold homes, properties for sale, inventory counts and days-on-market. For Buyers, you can get information on a home you are interested and also get additional school and community reports as well. Only Realty By Monica can provide you this information and its FREE!
The data displayed within the snapshot is up-to-date with the area MLS. The map offers road and aerial views. The data shows homes that are similar to the one you are interested in with regard to size, number of bedrooms, and number of bathrooms.
You can also get information on the asking prices vs. the sold prices around the home over the last 3 months.
To better compare with neighboring homes you can see current for sale homes vs. sold prices as well.
As an added bonus you will be notified when a new home is listed in your snapshot area or when a price change occurs on an existing home.